The Bachelor of Theology aims to:
- provide broad-based knowledge and critical skills in the four classic sub-disciplines of theology as a contribution to a liberal education
- provide students with a rich learning experience that is attentive to student needs from transition to tertiary study to successful progression towards graduation and beyond
- provide students with a well-designed curriculum structured to embody a classic theological framework and to reflect the inherent dynamic of context
- provide students with a theological and ethical framework for critical and constructive engagement in the social institutions within which they participate
- encourage and to foster the search for meaning and spiritual depth in the context of cultural and religious pluralism in contemporary Australia
- prepare people for leadership in the life and work of the church
- offer opportunities for the study of theology as an integral part of studies in other disciplines at undergraduate level
- provide access to tertiary-level study in theology by flexible delivery both across Australia and internationally
- provide pathways for further studies in theology at both postgraduate and higher degree by research levels
Admission and Credit
Minimum ATAR required60
Entry Requirement
Australian citizens, permanent residents of Australia, or New Zealand citizens:
Applicants should have one of the following for admission to the CSU Bachelor of Theology:
Applicants should have one of the following for admission to the CSU Bachelor of Theology:
- Minimum ATAR required; or
- successful study at university level (minimum two subjects); or
- TAFE Cert III or higher VET qualification or equivalent industry qualifications; or
- successful completion of TAFE Tertiary Preparation Certificate (TPC) or a bridging program; or
- Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) with an equivalent ranking to the currently listed ATAR; or
- relevant industry experience of at least two years - this may include, but is not limited to, Church or NGO-type ministry, nursing or related healthcare professions ("the caring professions"), and school teaching at any level; or
- partial completion of TAFE Diploma level study (minimum 50 per cent).
International Applicants:
Ming Hua Theological College Hong Kong applicants must fulfil one of the following requirements:
Ming Hua Theological College Hong Kong applicants must fulfil one of the following requirements:
- Aggregate score of 13 in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE). The HKDSE aggregate is based on the four core subjects, Chinese Language, Mathematics and Liberal Arts, and the best grade in one Category A elective subject, Category B and C subjects are not counted; or
- Attain a score of 2 in the HKALE a,b,d:or
- Pass two subjects in Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE); or
- Prior study at University with successful completion of at least two subjects; or
- Demonstrated industry experience (e.g. work in church or NGO-type ministry, nursing or related healthcare disciplines and school teaching) of at least two years, plus a letter of motivation and two letters of reference.
Credit Arrangements
Students who complete Clinical and Pastoral Education from an accredited institution will receive 16 points of credit as THL221 Clinical and Pastoral Education in the sub-discipline of Practical Theology.
Language requirements
IELTS 6.5 with no minimum score below 6.0, or a qualification deemed by CSU to be equivalent;
HKDSE (Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary English) Minimum of 4 in English Language;
HKALE (Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination) D Pass in Use of English.
HKDSE (Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary English) Minimum of 4 in English Language;
HKALE (Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination) D Pass in Use of English.
Course information
The course consist of 9 core subjects, one subject in Indigenous / Culture Studies, one subject in Biblical Language and a set of restricted electives.
* A minimum of 20 Theological subjects
* A minimum of four 200 level subjects:
- at least two 200 level in Biblical Studies and two 200 level in Systematic Theology
* A minimum of six 300 level subjects:
- at least two 300 level in Biblical Studies and two 300 level in Systematic Theology
* A maximum of twelve 100 level subjects (including core)
* A maximum of four subjects (32 points) may be selected from a discipline other than theology
* A maximum of two 400 level 8 point subjects (16)
* A minimum of 20 Theological subjects
* A minimum of four 200 level subjects:
- at least two 200 level in Biblical Studies and two 200 level in Systematic Theology
* A minimum of six 300 level subjects:
- at least two 300 level in Biblical Studies and two 300 level in Systematic Theology
* A maximum of twelve 100 level subjects (including core)
* A maximum of four subjects (32 points) may be selected from a discipline other than theology
* A maximum of two 400 level 8 point subjects (16)
Credit16 Credit Points
Credit may be received towards the Restricted Electives (56 points) for up to two subjects (16 points) for students who have successfully completed a Basic Unit (400 hours) of Clinical Pastoral Education through an approved provider:
THL221 Clinical and Pastoral Education
THL221 Clinical and Pastoral Education
Essential set 192 Credit Points
The essential subject set consists of subjects that meet the specific depth of knowledge and skills requirements for the disciplinary or professional area of study in a course.
Core subjects72 Credit Points
Biblical studies16 Credit Points
Church Histories16 Credit Points
Practical Theology16 Credit Points
Systematic Theology24 Credit Points
Compulsory subjects16 Credit Points
Indigenous/Cultural studies8 Credit Points
Domestic students select THL225
Ming Hua students select THL257
Ming Hua students select THL257
Biblical/Language8 Credit Points
Select one (1) subject from the following:
Restricted electives
Group A
International students complete six (6) subjects from the following elective sets, domestic students complete seven (7).
Biblical Studies
Ming Hua students select one (1) level 200 subject and two (2) level 300 subjects from the following:
Domestic students select two (2) level 200 subjects and two (2) level 300 subjects from the following, domestic students may select from the expanded elective set:
Domestic students select two (2) level 200 subjects and two (2) level 300 subjects from the following, domestic students may select from the expanded elective set:
Biblical Studies - expanded elective set (Domestic only)
Domestic students may also select from the following:
Systemic Theology
Select one (1) level 200 subject and two (2) level 300 subjects from the following, domestic students may select from the expanded elective set:
Systemic Theology - expanded elective set (Domestic only)
Domestic students may also select from the following:
Group B
Ming Hua students select seven (7) subjects from the following:
Domestic students select six (6) subjects from the following, domestic students may select subjects expanded elective set:
At least two (2) level 300 subjects must be selected.
Domestic students select six (6) subjects from the following, domestic students may select subjects expanded elective set:
At least two (2) level 300 subjects must be selected.
Biblical Studies
Biblical Studies - expanded elective set (Domestic only)
Domestic students may also select from the following:
Church History
Church History - expanded elective set (International only)
International students may also select the following:
Church History - expanded elective set (Domestic only)
Domestic students may also select from the following:
Practical Theology
Ming Hua students select seven (7) subjects from the following:
Domestic students select six (6) subjects from the following, domestic students may select from expanded elective set:
At least two (2) level 300 subjects must be selected.
Domestic students select six (6) subjects from the following, domestic students may select from expanded elective set:
At least two (2) level 300 subjects must be selected.
Practical Theology - expanded elective set (Domestic only)
Domestic students may also select from the following:
Systemic Theology
Systemic Theology - expanded elective set (Domestic only)
Domestic students may select from the following:
Enrolment Pattern
Related courses
Exit Award
Future Study Opportunities
Ming Hua Theological College (Hong Kong)