
The Bachelor of Theology aims to:

  • provide broad-based knowledge and critical skills in the four classic sub-disciplines of theology as a contribution to a liberal education
  • provide students with a rich learning experience that is attentive to student needs from transition to tertiary study to successful progression towards graduation and beyond
  • provide students with a well-designed curriculum structured to embody a classic theological framework and to reflect the inherent dynamic of context
  • provide students with a theological and ethical framework for critical and constructive engagement in the social institutions within which they participate
  • encourage and to foster the search for meaning and spiritual depth in the context of cultural and religious pluralism in contemporary Australia
  • prepare people for leadership in the life and work of the church
  • offer opportunities for the study of theology as an integral part of studies in other disciplines at undergraduate level
  • provide access to tertiary-level study in theology by flexible delivery both across Australia and internationally
  • provide pathways for further studies in theology at both postgraduate and higher degree by research levels

Admission and Credit

Minimum ATAR required60


Entry Requirement


Credit Arrangements

Language requirements



Course information
Credit16 Credit Points
Essential set 192 Credit Points

Enrolment Pattern

