
This subject explores the development of Anglican faith and life within the broad catholic tradition of the Church. It examines the distinctive features of method and content in Anglican theology through selected studies in ecclesiology, ethics, worship and spirituality. Special attention is given to the analysis of the writings of … For more content click the Read More button below.


The origin and development of Anglican faith and lifeAnglican theological motifs and theological methodsThe problem of Anglican identityEcclesiology, ethics and spirituality in the Anglican traditionThe place of Anglicanism in contemporary global ChristianityThe Anglican Church in AustraliaSelected Anglican theologians, poets and mysticsSelected movements in Anglican history

Assessment items

1. Reading Reaction Essay
2. Short Essay
3. Final Essay

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate a broad and coherent knowledge of major developments within the history of the Anglican communion from its early origins in England to its current global expressions;
be able to analyse and critically review distinctive features of Anglican theology and theological method, particularly in relation to an understanding of the church and its ministry, ethics and spiritual disciplines;
be able to contextualise and communicate a variety of recent interpretations of the significance of Anglican contributions to contemporary world Christianity;
be able to articulate the relevance and implications of Anglicanism in the Australian context;
be able to demonstrate a broad and coherent knowledge of the work of either a major Anglican theologian or a significant movement within Anglicanism; and
be able to demonstrate self-guided learning, including advanced research, writing and communication skills.

Assumed knowledge

Students are recommended to have prior knowledge equivalent to or studied THL111.

Enrolment restrictions

Not available to students who have completed subject THL440.
