
This subject offers an introductory engagement with the major doctrines of the Christian faith, including God as Trinity, the person and work of Christ, the Spirit, humanity and the church. It explores the tasks, methods and sources of Christian theology, enabling students to develop initial skills of theological reasoning together … For more content click the Read More button below.


Introduction to the major doctrines of the Christian traditionSources and methods of theological reasoningKey figures in Christian theology, historical and contemporaryThe relation between Christian doctrine and Christian praxis

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to engage at an introductory level with the major doctrines of the Christian faith;
be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the tasks, methods and sources of Christian theology;
be able to identify key theologians and to demonstrate an understanding of their place in the development of Christian theology;
be able to engage critically with both historical and contemporary approaches to doing theology;
be able to demonstrate an ability to make connections between Christian theology and ministerial or practical contexts; and
be able to demonstrate self-guided learning, including basic research, writing and communication skills.

Enrolment restrictions

Not available to students who have completed subject THL460.