This subject explores the New Testament material traditionally associated with Paul. It investigates aspects of Pauline biography and theology through an exploration of both Acts and the epistles attributed to Paul. An important component of this subject is the exegetical and interpretive analysis of New Testament epistolary literature, focusing especially … For more content click the Read More button below.
Paul in his historical, cultural and religious contextThe value of Acts as a source for understanding PaulThe order, provenance and authenticity of letters attributed to PaulThe genre, outline and contents of Paul's lettersPaul's role in the life of the early churchCentral themes in Pauline theologyDetailed investigation of 1 Corinthians and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Class Presentation
2. A Concept at the Centre of Paul's Theology
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
discuss in a critically informed way issues relating to the interpretation of the Pauline corpus
demonstrate knowledge of the historical, cultural, intellectual and religious contexts in which the Pauline corpus emerged
demonstrate an understanding of the provenance, theological outline, principal themes and main lines of argument of Paul's letters, especially 1 Corinthians and Romans
demonstrate a developing understanding of critical scholarly methods such as rhetorical and socio-historical criticism
discuss major theological and ethical themes in the Pauline corpus and assess their contemporary relevance
demonstrate developing competence in the exegesis and interpretation of biblical texts and critical engagement with primary biblical sources and secondary literature
demonstrate self-guided learning, including sound research, writing and communication skills
Assumed knowledge
Students are recommended to have prior knowledge equivalent to or studied THL106.