This subject introduces the beliefs and identifying characteristics of various new religious movements, 'cults', sects, and other alternative forms of spirituality. It also explores major historical, religious, social, legal and ethical issues raised by the presence of such groups within an Australian and global context. In particular, this subject examines … For more content click the Read More button below.
Beliefs, identifying characteristics and activities of new religious movementsAnalysis of theological, psychological, and sociological definitions of "cults"Major theories concerning the attraction and character of the membership and leadership of new religious movements, cults and sectsSources of information about, and engagement with, new religious movementsResponses of churches, the media, government, welfare, … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Thematic Essay
2. Book Review
3. Case Study
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
critically and accurately discuss the beliefs, character and activities of new religious movements
research and communicate issues surrounding the definition of the term "cult"
evaluate the role and rights of new religious movements within a pluralist democratic society
demonstrate and articulate an understanding of the relevance of the mind control/brainwashing debate and its relevance for the study of new religious movements
critically evaluate and articulate the role of the media in the public perception and response to new religious movements
analyse and articulate a basic understanding of the legal issues raised by new religious movements
research, critically evaluate, and articulate community and individual responses to new religious movements
demonstrate self-guided learning, including sound research, writing and communication skills
Learning activities
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Online students who choose to attend the optional residential school in Canberra will need to arrange and cover the costs of travel, accommodation and meals.