
In the context of increasing religious plurality in Australia, this subject introduces students to the principles and practice of interfaith dialogue. It examines how such dialogue may, from a Christian perspective, assist with the building of acceptance and understanding of religious traditions other than Christianity. To promote the capacity of … For more content click the Read More button below.


Religious pluralism in Australia: mapping the religious landscapeThe historic relation between Christianity and other religious traditions in Australian societyThe principles of interfaith dialogueTheologies and models of interfaith dialogue: exploring the relationship between theology and practiceThe history, beliefs, practices and thought of one or more of the following religious traditions: Judaism, … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Critical Appraisal of a Set Reading
2. Essay One
3. Essay Two

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate knowledge of the history and impact of religious diversity in Australia and its relevance for Christian belief and practice in contemporary society
demonstrate critical appreciation of the principles of interfaith dialogue and practice
discuss the relationship between Christian theology and the practice of interfaith dialogue
demonstrate an understanding of the history, beliefs, practices and thought of one or more of the following religious traditions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism
demonstrate the capacity to engage in interfaith dialogue
demonstrate self-guided learning, including advanced research, writing and communication skills

Assumed knowledge

Students are recommended to have prior knowledge equivalent to or studied THL111, THL113 and THL215.

Learning activities


Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Online students who enrol in this subject are required to travel to attend the compulsory residential school in Canberra and also to arrange their own accommodation and meals.