
This subject is a critical study of the prophetic literature of the Old Testament. It examines the prophetic writings against their varied historical, social, political and religious contexts, and it also explores critical issues associated with their interpretation. The subject examines the major theological and ethical themes of the prophetic … For more content click the Read More button below.


A scholarly survey of the prophetic literature (Major and Minor Prophets)The historical, social, political and religious contexts of the prophetic literatureThe contextual nature of prophecy in the social, political and religious life of IsraelThe date, provenance, growth and composition of the prophetic writingsThe literary styles and structure of various prophetic … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Essay on the Major Prophets
2. Exegesis

Assumed knowledge

Students are recommended to have prior knowledge equivalent to or studied THL105 and either THL202 or THL209.