This subject examines the Johannine literature within the New Testament (the Gospel and epistles of John; Revelation). It addresses literary and historical evidence that Johannine Christianity was a distinctive development within early Christianity with its own literature. Emphasis is given to the setting, genre, content and theology of the Gospel … For more content click the Read More button below.
The place and shape of Johannine Christianity in the context of first-century ChristianityThe relationship of Johannine Christianity to Judaism, the Graeco-Roman world and other expressions of early ChristianityThe authorship, genre and provenance of the Gospel and letters of John and RevelationAn examination of the Gospel of John, the three letters … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Tutorial Presentation 1
2. Tutorial Presentation 2
3. Research Essay
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate a critical and informed understanding of issues relating to the interpretation of the Johannine literature
demonstrate familiarity with evidence indicating the history, development and distinctiveness of Johannine Christianity
demonstrate critical appreciation of the distinctiveness of the Gospel of John
discuss similarities and differences between the Gospel of John, the Johannine epistles and Revelation, including their literary, historical and theological relationships
discuss major theological and ethical themes in the Johannine literature and critically evaluate their contemporary relevance
demonstrate advanced competence in the exegesis and interpretation of biblical texts through critical engagement with primary biblical materials and constructive engagement with secondary literature
demonstrate self-guided learning, including advanced research, writing and communication skills
Assumed knowledge
Students are recommended to have prior knowledge equivalent to or studied THL106 and at least one 200-level New Testament subject.