In this subject students explore the practice and theory of Christian ministry, both lay and ordained. The church engages in a range of ministries within the church and in the wider community. The context of contemporary ministry includes awareness of heightened public standards, cultural context, issues of justice, and the … For more content click the Read More button below.
Ministry and the missio DeiWhat is Ministry?The Changing Paradigm: changes in theology and in community expectationsTheological Reflection as a tool for ministryMinistry and supervisionLeadership and spirituality for MinistryPartners in Ministry: Lay and OrdainedEthics for MinistryMinistry of WorshipMinistry of EducationMinistry of Pastoral CareMinistry of Social JusticeUnderstanding the Church as a System
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the principles and practices of Christian Ministry (lay and ordained), including an understanding of models of leadership and spirituality appropriate to Christian ministry;
be able to analyse and critically evaluate the range of ministries practised by the church in its ministries of pastoral care, Christian education, social justice, worship and evangelism;
be able to critique ministry practice in light of contemporary awareness of issues of abuse, violence, coercion, power;
be able to articulate an understanding of the partnership between lay and ordained in ministry, including an understanding of the ethics of ministry;
be able to analyse critically and articulate new models of ministry available to the Christian church in a changing world; and
be able to demonstrate self-guided learning, including sound research, writing and communication skills.
Assumed knowledge
Students are recommended to have prior knowledge equivalent to or studied THL115 and THL120.
Enrolment restrictions
Not available to students who have completed subject THL418.
Learning activities
Residential School
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Online students who choose to attend the optional residential school in Canberra will need to arrange and cover the costs of travel, accommodation and meals.