
This subject is provided in recognition of a student's full and compliant participation in an International Short Term Program. Programs will typically consist of a two to four week cultural and educational program in an international setting involving students living in another country, engaging in studies of culture, language, history, … For more content click the Read More button below.


The syllabus will vary from one type of international study experience to another, but the following example indicates the syllabus for the Bethsaida Excavations Project:Orientation to and survey of the geography, geology, history and archaeology of Bethsaida. This is a one-day introduction to the region of Bethsaida.Fieldwork in archaeological loci. … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Research Project

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate an improved ability to think globally and consider issues from other cultural perspectives
demonstrate an enhanced awareness of their own culture and its perspectives, as well as of another culture and its perspectives
demonstrate improved cross-cultural awareness, especially with respect to linguistic and cultural diversity
demonstrate improved social, cultural and educational knowledge of the specific context of the international experience
demonstrate an appreciation of the importance of multicultural diversity to professional practice in a particular field of study
demonstrate self-guided learning, including advanced research, writing and communication skills

Assumed knowledge

A basic knowledge of biblical history and literature, such as is covered in THL105 and THL106.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is open to all School of Theology students participating in an approved International Short Term Program.

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

A period of overseas travel, including participation in an approved academic program, is required for this subject. The overseas study experience may be offered by an Australian university or an overseas higher education institution.