
This subject introduces the study of Christian mission, evangelism and apologetics. It explores the historical, biblical, and theological perspectives on these themes. Particular focus is given to the relationship between the gospel and culture, and recent discussion regarding the missional nature of the church. Attention is also given to issues … For more content click the Read More button below.


Definitions and inter-relationships of mission, evangelism and apologeticsHistory and paradigms of Christian missionThe Biblical narrative in Missio DeiTheological issues in Atonement, Other Religions, Eco-MissiologyAnalysis of contextualization theory without syncretismSome strategies in local missionNew forms of the "missional church"Issues in missional leadership such as teamwork, tentmaking, abuse, gender, capacity for authenticity … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the variety of definitions of mission, evangelism and apologetics, including their interrelationship;
be able to evaluate critically the changes of understanding in mission, evangelism and apologetics that have occurred throughout the history of the church;
be able to demonstrate a critical understanding of the various biblical and theological perspectives on mission, evangelism and apologetics;
be able to engage critically with recent discussions on the relationship between gospel and culture, power and gender;
be able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of issues relating to the contemporary practice of mission, evangelism and apologetics, e.g., "missional" church; and
be able to demonstrate self-guided learning, including sound research, writing and communication skills.

Assumed knowledge

Students are recommended to have prior knowledge equivalent to or studied THL115 and THL120.

Enrolment restrictions

Not available to students who have completed subject THL438.

Learning activities

Residential School

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Online students who choose to attend the optional residential school in Canberra will need to arrange and cover the costs of travel, accommodation and meals.