The course is designed to meet the needs of TAFE teachers, and teachers and trainers in similar settings such as other Registered Training Organisations, business and community colleges, the Australian Defence force, industry and commerce and those working as private consultants. A course leading to this qualification also usually involves major studies in which significant literature is available. Course content is taken to a significant depth and progressively developed to a higher level, thus providing a sound foundation for future postgraduate study and professional careers. Specialisations are offered in three areas: Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy; Vocational Education and Training; and Training Systems and Human Resource Management.
Admission and Credit
- a Certificate III as part of a completed apprenticeship leading to trade recognition and accreditation and a minimum of three years relevant industrial experience;
or - an advanced certificate (Certificate IV), associate diploma, diploma or the appropriate tertiary qualification and a minimum of three years relevant industrial experience;
and - have completed a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110 or TAE40116) with an accredited Registered Training Organisation.
or - be currently enrolled in a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40110 or TAE40116 with an accredited Registered Training Organisation.
or - have completed a Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (TAE50111 or TAE50116) with an accredited Registered Training Organisation.
or - be currently enrolled in a Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (TAE50111 or TAE50116) with an accredited Registered Training Organisation.
or - have completed a Diploma of Training Design and Development (TAE50211 or TAE50216) with an accredited Registered Training Organisation.
or - be currently enrolled in a Diploma of Training Design and Development (TAE50211 or TAE50216) with an accredited Registered Training Organisation.
or - have demonstrated equivalent skills and experience in training and assessment through continued professional practice and development as evidenced by a statement of service from employing organisation/s.
- Students who receive the VET02C Forward Credit (FCR) based on evidence of current enrolment and study of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110 or TAE40116) or a Diploma of VET (TAE50111 or TAE50116) or a Diploma of TrngDes&Dev (TAE50211 or TAE50216) on entry must have completed the qualification and provided a copy of their Certificate/Diploma and transcript prior to enrolling in EEB312 or EPT320.
- A Certificate IV in Workplace Training & Assessment (BSZ98) or a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAA40104 or TAE40110 or TAE40116) or a Diploma of VET (TAE50111 or TAE50116) or a Diploma of TrngDes&Dev (TAE50211 or TAE50216) do not count as a vocational qualification for entry purposes.
A standard entry-level credit package of 64 points.
This is represented as VET08C Entry Level Vocational Credit and is based on the following entry criteria: Certificate III as part of a completed apprenticeship leading to trade recognition and accreditation, and a minimum of three years relevant industry experience; or an advanced certificate (Certificate IV), associate diploma, diploma or the appropriate tertiary qualification and a minimum of three years relevant industry experience.
For eligible students additional 16 point credit package may be granted as below: An additional standard credit package of 16 points based on the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110 or TAE40116);
Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (TAE 50111 or TAE 50116);
Diploma of Training Design & Development (TAE 50211 or TAE 50216). This is represented as VET02C CIVTAE 40110/16-DipVETTAE 50111/DipTD&DTAE 50211/16 and will appear as a Forward Credit (FCR) conditional upon the successful completion of the subject EEB312 Reflective Practice and Lifelong Learning or EPT320 High Level Facilitation Skills for Adult and Vocational Education, and is based on the following entry criteria:
Evidence that they have completed, or currently enrolled in the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110 or TAE40116); or Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (TAE50111 or TAE50116); or Diploma of Training Design & Development (TAE50211 or TAE50216).
NOTE: Students who receive the VET02C Forward Credit based on current enrolment in the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110 or TAE40116); or Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (TAE50111 or TAE50116); or Diploma of Training Design & Development (TAE50211 or TAE50216) must have completed and provided a copy of their Certificate and transcript prior to enrolling in the subject EEB312 Reflective Practice and Lifelong Learning or EPT320 High Level Facilitation Skills for Adult and Vocational Education.
Other credit arrangements include:
Students who possess the BSZ98 Certificate IV in Workplace Training & Assessment or the TAA40104 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment only, must upgrade to the TAE40110 or TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment. Credit will not be granted for a partially completed (with no intention to fully complete) Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110 or TAE40116);
Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (TAE50111 or TAE50116);
Diploma of Training Design & Development (TAE50211 or TAE50216).
Canberra Institute of Technology Advanced Diploma of Adult Vocational Education
Graduates who meet the entry criteria and hold a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110 or TAE40116);
Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (TAE50111 or TAE50116);
Diploma of Training Design & Development (TAE50211 or TAE50216), may be eligible to be granted credit for a range of subjects that may include:
The standard entry-level credit package of 64 points (VET 08C Entry Level Vocational Credit) VET02C CIVTAE 40110/16-DipVET TAE 50111/DipTD&D TAE 50211/16 (16 points) that will appear as a Forward Credit (FCR) conditional upon the successful completion of the subject EEB312 Reflective Practice and Lifelong Learning or EPT320 High Level Facilitation Skills for Adult and Vocational Education and the following subjects: EML102 Written Communication – Proficiency Credit (PCR)
Australian Army
Students receive entry-level vocational credit VET08C (64 points) and my be granted VET02C credit to students who have completed an equivalent trainer and assessor qualification within their organisation, assessed by the Course Director, and have a minimum of one year experience as a vocational education trainer and assessor. This VET02C credit will appear as Forward Credit (FC) that will be converted to Transfer Credit (TCR) upon the successful completion of the subject EEB312 Reflective Practice and Lifelong Learning and EPT320 High Level Facilitation for Adult and Vocational Education.
Language requirements
The course consists of five core subjects, three compulsory subjects (one when VET02C credited) and a major or restricted electives
Enrolment Pattern
Related courses
Alternative exit options
The Bachelor and Associate Degree make up an articulated set of courses and credit is given in each higher level course for the subjects completed in the lower.