
This subject introduces students to the concepts of society and the individual, and their interrelationship. A sociological and historical approach is adopted that emphasises the development of the modern industrial and post-industrial state and its complex relationship with social collectives and individuals. Emphasis is placed on the role of social … For more content click the Read More button below.


Writing for the Social SciencesAdult and Vocational Education PolicyHistorical understanding/context of Adult and Vocational EducationRise of Industrial SocietySociology and the Sociological ImaginationThe Individual in SocietyFamilyClassGlobalisationEducation and SocietyIndigenous AustraliansEthnicity and ImmigrationHealth and WellbeingDimensions of Disadvantage

Assessment items

1. Introduction to Sociology
2. Understanding sociological theory
3. Sociology Topics
4. Policy to Practice

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
understand a variety of sociological theories relevant to the practice of adult and vocational education in Australia ;
apply sociological theory to analyse both themselves and their teaching environments;
understand the development of the modern industrial/post-industrial society and its impact on them as teachers;
understand the nature of individualism and difference and their construction by social institutions;
describe and explain the development of the Adult and Vocational Education sector;
critically discuss the role of Adult and Vocational Education organisations and practitioners developing, implementing and interpreting relevant policy in the context of economic and social development and the principles of social justice and equity in education.