Leadership is no longer just the responsibility of those in official leadership positions. Leader-like behaviour of individuals at all levels is now an expectation in many organisations. This subject will engage students in the types of leadership issues they will face in the workplace. These issues include a diverse and … For more content click the Read More button below.
The nature and importance of leadershipTraits, motives and characteristics of leadersCharismatic and transformational leadershipContingency and situational leadership; servant leadershipTypes and styles of leadersChanging approaches to leadershipThe environment and culture of organisationsEthics and social responsibilityPower, politics and leadershipWorkplace DiversityDeveloping as a leader, leading change and succession
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically analyse current organisational issues in leadership in the context of constant change;
be able to explain the movement from leadership positions to leader-like behaviour and the context of both roles;
be able to analyse the interface between leadership and management;
be able to identify leadership potential and appropriate development programs;
be able to explain contemporary leadership approaches and be able to recognise a particular approach/style/behaviour using a contemporary leadership lens; and
be able to critically reflect on own skills to develop and evolve own leadership capabilities.