
This subject facilitates the student's academic inquiry associated with the participation in a Short Term International Experience Program, of at least 120 hours duration, conducted in an educational setting. The subject will deliver pre-travel orientation and study activities; and post-International program personal and professional reflection. Whilst overseas, students will live … For more content click the Read More button below.


Introduction to Global issues in educationCountry, culture, and communityTeaching practice during an international experience placementIntroduction to the benefits and conduct of a short term international experience programIntroduction to the country to be visited, including:Cultural expectations and behavioursManners and customsHistory and culture (including art, music, food, dance, etc)Language and communicationPolitical climate … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Focus on Nepal
2. Global Education
3. Placement Report

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to discuss the global issues associated with their educational sector, with a particular focus on the country to be visited;
be able to discuss the cultural issues associated with education as it relates to the country to be visited;
be able to demonstrate culturally competent behaviours during an international visit;
be able to teach, deliver training, and/or provide educational assistance in an educational setting in the country of visit;
be able to reflect on their participation in a Short Term International Experience Program as it relates to their development as a teacher; and
be able to reflect on their International experience in relation to the cultural and educational differences between Australia and the country visited.

Enrolment restrictions

Available to all students studying through the School of Teacher Education, School of Education, School of Information Studies or the School of Indigenous Australian Studies. Enrolment in this subject is not available to students who have completed EEB310 and HSS305 as it shares similar content.

Work integrated learning

Fieldwork Duration 120 hours Details Students are required to participate in work experience within an educational setting relevant to their education sector during an International overseas program. The duration of this workplace learning is to be a minimum of 120 hours.