
This subject introduces students to reading, writing, and academic inquiry at the tertiary level; and specifically prepares them for studying in the online education mode. Students will complete a number of specific tasks designed to develop their research and writing to assist them on their academic journey. Students will also … For more content click the Read More button below.


Assignments and written communicationAcademic style and languageUsing plain englishGrammar and punctuation basicsResearch and library skillsEvaluating informationReading and note-takingTopic analysis and essay planningEssay and paragraph structureUsing sources, citation and referencingProofing and presentationLogic, argument and discussionThe Boyer model of scholarshipWriting for online communication

Assessment items

2. Library, Research and Referencing Quiz
3. Eportfolio: The Boyer Model
4. Analytical Essay

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to apply basic rules of grammar and punctuation;
be able to recognise and use plain English;
be able to describe the purpose of referencing sources of information;
be able to cite references according to the required conventions or style manual;
be able to identify relevant information in written material;
be able to recognise the range of the language, the features and the structures of different texts;
be able to integrate paraphrased and quoted sources in paragraph structure;
be able to identify key argument strategies and logical problems in own writing;
be able to plan an essay, develop a draft, evaluate and redraft, proofread and complete an essay;
be able to identify peer-reviewed literature and evaluate the academic quality of broader reference materials;
be able to explain the purpose of academic scholarship and applied research, using the Boyer Model of Scholarship; and
be able to establish an online presence with their writing.