This subject provides an overview of Knowledge Management (KM) in an organisational context, and focuses on the strategies and processes used by organisations to identify, access, manage, and share their information assets to meet their KM needs. Motivators and drivers required to align a new KM project with organisational strategies … For more content click the Read More button below.
Introduction to knowledge management (KM)KM in an organisational contextOrganisational information and knowledge strategiesKM for strategic management and decision makingUnderstanding and implementing KM processesTools and technologies to support KM
Assessment items
1. Essay: Knowledge management
2. Class Discussions and Group Reflection
3. Report: Designing and Implementing a KM project
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental elements of Knowledge Management in an organisational context;
be able to critically analyse and document an organisation's knowledge needs for an effective Knowledge Management strategy and process development;
be able to understand and implement Knowledge Management processes encompassing the key people, departments/sections, policies and processes prevalent in an organisation;
be able to apply appropriate Knowledge Management practices to real world situations;
be able to identify the drivers and inhibitors of effective Knowledge Management practices; and
be able to understand and evaluate the implementation and use of the technology required for an organisational Knowledge Management strategy to succeed.
Enrolment restrictions
This subject combines INF336, INF441, and INF458, and therefore is not available to students who have completed ETL525, INF302, INF323, INF336, INF458 or INF523.