
The aim of this course is to provide students with the flexibility to individually determine how to enhance, complement and deepen their business and management understanding and knowledge to further develop a variety of skills through the choice of specialisation/s or individual subject choices tailored to their needs and applicable to their chosen profession or field of interest.


Admission and Credit


Entry Requirement


Articulation Arrangements

Language requirements



Course information 96 Credit Points
Essential set96 Credit Points
EFI Cambodia96 Credit Points

Enrolment pattern

Because of the flexibility of the course requirements, there is no prescribed enrolment pattern. Students may choose the order in which they undertake subjects, depending upon the availability of subjects and the meeting of any prerequisites or assumed knowledge. Students are encouraged to enrol in core subjects in the initial … For more content click the Read More button below. The recommended enrolment pattern is 3 or 4 subjects per compulsory session for a full-time student (course duration 1.5 to 2 years) and 1 or 2 subjects per compulsory session for a part-time student (course duration 3 to 4 years).



Alternative exit options

The Master, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate make up an articulated set of courses and credit is given in each higher level course for the subjects completed in the lower.