This subject critically examines what community leadership and resilience mean in the context of community development theory and practice. It gives close attention to models that attend to the power inequalities shaping leadership and resilience among communities. Practices are considered that foster community leadership, resilience and power for social action … For more content click the Read More button below.
Community development overviewSocial justice, empowerment and culturally inclusive frameworks for community developmentCommunity organising and capacity building for resilienceLeadership in community activism and participatory democracy
Assessment items
1. Community development and community resilience
2. Analysis of case study
3. Core ideas
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and discern between a range of community development models relevant to community leadership and resilience;
be able to explain how community development theory and practice can reproduce or resist the power inequalities shaping community leadership and resilience experiences; and
be able to apply theoretical concepts to community development practice.