
This subject presents concepts dealing with complex financial accounting issues within the regulatory and conceptual framework from an international context. Students will explore consolidated financial reporting and account for the impacts of foreign currency translations and transfer costs across international borders. The subject will also consider the impacts of related-party … For more content click the Read More button below.


Business combinationsConsolidationsInvestment in associates and joint venturesForeign interactions: currency translationsEntity statementsTransfer pricing decisions

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to interpret and compare the relationships that exist between a parent company and its subsidiary(ies), an investor and its investee, a company and its overseas subsidiaries;
be able to apply professional judgement in the preparation of financial statements for each of the above-mentioned business combinations in accordance with relevant professional and statutory reporting requirements;
be able to discuss and apply the relevant accounting standards and statutory reporting requirements for foreign currency dealings and segment reporting;
be able to discuss the treatment of international in-house transactions policies such as transfer pricing strategies; and
be able to critically analyse, synthesise and report upon the information contained within published financial statements and annual reports.

Assumed knowledge

Postgraduate students only.