
This subject introduces students to the range of community processes and their implications for community resilience. It investigates and evaluates ways in which innovative and inclusive approaches to supporting and building community resilience can be implemented, and considers implications for students' professional practice.


Community resilience in the context of stratification and power in communities (40% of content)Foundations of community resilience: transforming power in communities to community power through innovative and inclusive approaches (40% of content)Implications for professional practice (20% of content)

Assessment items

1. Community resilience
2. Addressing community inclusivity
3. Connecting community groups for resilience

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to define resilience in the context of communities;
be able to criticallly appraise the ways that processes of community stratification can impact on community resilience;
be able to identify a range of approaches to building community resilience in order to ensure communities are strengthened through innovative and inclusive practices; and
be able to apply a sustainable model of community resilience to a known community problem and identify implications for professional practice.