
This capstone subject is the final subject in the Master of Teaching course and draws on teacher education students' cumulative learning from across the coursework components of the degree and includes the final professional experience placement. During this professional experience placement students complete a Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) in which … For more content click the Read More button below.


The Australian Professional Standards for TeachersPreparing for placement: requirements and the responsibilities of a being a classroom teacherDevelopment of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time) professional goalsExpectations for a 240 hour professional experience placementState and national principles and policies, including NAPLAN, and their influence on assessment requirements and practicesPurposes … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

2. Analysing, planning and assessing
4. Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA)

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate achievement of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) at graduate level during 240 hours of professional experience in a primary classroom setting;
be able to plan and justify appropriate teaching and learning sequences with student data, including NAPLAN results;
be able to apply current models of pedagogy and strategies appropriate to the context and stage, to cater for the diverse needs of learners;
be able to apply a range of strategies to assess, record, report and provide feedback to students and parents/carers on achievement of learning outcomes;
be able to analyse and interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and to inform planning and /or to modify subsequent teaching practice to progress student learning;
be able to use assessment tools and moderation processes to support consistent and comparable, standards based judgements of student learning;
be able to reflect on and appraise the impact of their teaching on student outcomes, drawing on relevant theory and evidence collected, to modify and improve future teaching and progress student learning;
be able to demonstrate achievement of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) at graduate level through the satisfactory completion of a Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA); and
be able to formulate a plan to address professional learning needs to modify and improve future teaching and progress student learning.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is only available to Master of Teaching (Primary) students. Commencement of this subject should be in the final session of study in the course.

This subject is not available to students who have completed EPT433 or EPT508 and EEE503 or EEE405 or EPT442 or EPT448 as they share similar content.

The following subjects should be completed either prior to, or concurrently with EPT521: (EPT447 or EPT432 or EPT510) and (EEP427 or EED408 or EED502) and (EED409 or EED503) and (EMM419 or EMM420) and (EMM209 or EMM418) and (EMM410 or EMM503) and (EML440 or EPT455) and (EML439 or EML530) and EMS406 and EEB505 and (EMH419 or EMH502) and EMR408 and EMA410 and (EEA406 or EML529 or EMH501 or EMR501 or EMS501 or EML449).


Work integrated learning

Placement Duration 240 hours Details Students are required to complete a total of 480 hours of professional experience in the course to meet accreditation requirements. This subject has an embedded professional experience requiring 240 hours of attendance in a primary school for students who have previously completed 240 placement hours. … For more content click the Read More button below.