
This capstone subject is the final subject in the Master of Teaching courses and draws on teacher education students' cumulative learning from across the coursework components of the degree and includes the final professional experience placement. During this professional experience placement students will complete a Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) in … For more content click the Read More button below.


The Australian Professional Standards for TeachersPreparing for placement; requirements and the responsibilities of a being a classroom teacherDevelopment of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time) professional goalsExpectations for a 30 day professional experience placementInterpreting student dataEffective feed forward and feedback on student learningAnalysing student workLearning IntentionsRecording and reporting student … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate achievement of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at graduate level during 30 days of professional experience in a primary classroom setting and satisfactory completion of the TPA;
be able to justify (or support) appropriate teaching and learning sequences with student data, including NAPLAN results;
be able to apply current models of pedagogy and strategies appropriate to the context and stage, to cater for the diverse needs of learners;
be able to reflect on and appraise the impact of their teaching on student outcomes, drawing on relevant theory and evidence collected; and
be able to formulate a plan to address professional learning needs to modify and improve future teaching and progress student learning.

Enrolment restrictions

Students must be enrolled in the Master of Teaching (Secondary) or the Master of Teaching (Primary) degree.

Not available to students who have completed EPT433 and or EPT442.

Work integrated learning

Placement Duration 240 hours Details 240 hours professional experience in a primary or secondary school setting.

Learning activities