Professional experience is a foundational requirement of this degree and provides teacher education students with the opportunity to develop skills studied in curriculum method and education discipline subjects. In this first placement of up to 30 days, teacher education students will explore school practices and develop their knowledge of teaching … For more content click the Read More button below.
Placement networksPlacement preparationCollaborationReflective PracticeSchool Environment
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to apply a range of teaching and learning strategies;
be able to apply a range of strategies and effective communication skills for managing classroom environments;
be able to demonstrate their capacity to work collaboratively;
be able to apply the models of productive pedagogies and quality teaching;
be able to design learning experiences;
be able to demonstrate growth as a teaching professional in relation to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers; and
be able to successfully complete a school placement (up to 30 days).
Enrolment restrictions
Entry into the Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary), Master of Teaching (Secondary) Graduate Entry Bachelor of Education (Health and PE), Bachelor of Education (TAS), Bachelor of Education (Secondary Mathematics) program or as determined by the course director.
Work integrated learning
Placement Duration 240 hours Details 240 hours professional experience in a secondary school setting.