
This is a core subject to meet the requirements for a primary specialisation in Arts, Humanities and Languages. Teacher education students' understandings of best practice in primary teaching and learning will be developed through inquiry-based learning and assessment. Arts, HASS/HSIE students will conduct an inquiry into a topic in their … For more content click the Read More button below.


Teacher as inquirerMaking the learning areas come alive: Arts, Languages, Humanities and Social SciencesInquiry as pedagogy: Common inquiry processes (inquiry learning, design thinking, action research Understanding by Design) and their applications to practicePedagogical content knowledge in the Arts, Humanities and LanguagesLanguages-specific curriculum and pedagogical studies (Language students only)Inquiry as pedagogy: … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Inquiry Action Plan
2. Final Inquiry Report

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to discuss inquiry as a broad pedagogical constructivist approach, which promotes the integration of the curriculum;
be able to construct multiple ways to integrate the primary curriculum;
be able to apply theories of inquiry based learning for best practice primary teaching and learning;
be able to identify and critique a range of global and local topics and issues relevant to best practice primary teaching and learning in the Australian context;
be able to discuss approaches to implementing critical thinking skills as best practice primary teaching;
be able to interpret and synthesise inquiry findings to an audience of peers in the profession (specialist and non-specialist); and
be able to evaluate and use a range of resources, with specific attention to ICT-based materials.

Assumed knowledge

Students will have completed EMH205 or EMH419 or EML451 or EMA210 or EMA410 prior to completing this subject.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is only available to students in the Master of Teaching (Primary) course.