
This subject builds on the central concepts, modes of enquiry and content structure within the K-6 mathematics continuum, highlighting the role of mathematics in everyday situations, and the importance of home and community numeracy practices. Students explore the principles and practices underpinning the teaching of mathematics and develop an appreciation … For more content click the Read More button below.


Principles, research and current evidence-based practices associated with teaching and learning mathematicsThe role and value of mathematics in the broader school curriculum and the development of students' literacy, digital literacy and numeracy capabilities in mathematicsCentral ideas and common student misconceptions in Number and Algebra, and Statistics and ProbabilityUse and selection … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Mathematics problem/investigation
2. Practical learning experiences
3. Development of Number & Algebra lesson plans

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to analyse the function of mathematics as a numerate and literate practice to meet the cognitive, social, cultural and aesthetic needs of children;
be able to appraise pedagogical knowledge, informed by constructivist principles, research and current evidence-based practices associated with teaching and learning mathematics in creating learning activities and lessons for primary school mathematics, and justify their design with respect to pedagogical models and practices of primary school mathematics;
be able to apply knowledge of current primary mathematics syllabus documents, including the general capabilities, in creating learning activities for primary school mathematics;
be able to create and evaluate investigations and open problems applying the 'working mathematically' process;
be able to apply a range of strategies to cater for, and engage primary school children K-6 in mathematics, including the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); and
be able to explain and interpret the primary school mathematics in the K-12 mathematics continuum of learning.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is not available to students who have completed subject EMM209.