
This capstone subject draws on teacher education students' cumulative learning across the course and includes preparation for and completion of the final professional experience placement. During this professional experience placement students demonstrate the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) at graduate level. Specific attention is given to the value of … For more content click the Read More button below. Students' satisfactory completion of the final placement, and the GTPA, are both requirements for graduation from an accredited teacher education program.


The Australian Professional Standards for TeachersIdentify and plan professional learning needsPrepare for placement; requirements and responsibilitiesData-informed planning and practice, including curriculum alignmentPedagogical practice and decision-makingSelect and apply quality and fit for purpose diagnostic, formative, summative, formal and informal assessment strategies though an inclusion lensReflexive practice and appraisal of the impact … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Professional Experience SMART Goals and Reflection
2. Professional Experience Placement Report
3. Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate achievement of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) at graduate level during professional experience in a primary classroom and through satisfactory completion of the GTPA
plan and evaluate teaching and learning sequences constructively aligned to curriculum documentation using a range of evidence and data
organise classroom activities and provide clear directions
apply current models of pedagogy and strategies appropriate to the context and stage, to cater for the diverse needs of learners
select and apply quality and fit for purpose diagnostic, formative, summative, formal and informal assessment strategies which address principles of inclusion
justify and evaluate pedagogical decisions
critically reflect on and appraise the impact of their teaching practice on student outcomes to modify and improve future teaching and progress student learning
identify professional development needs and goals and seek advice, constructive criticism and support from colleagues

Assumed knowledge

Before enrolling in this subject you should have knowledge in your discipline area.

Work integrated learning

Placement Duration 240 hours Details This capstone subject draws on teacher education students cumulative learning from across the coursework components of the degree and includes the final professional experience placement for their course. During this professional experience placement, students will complete a Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) in which they will … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

GTPA resources including mandatory documentation Preservice Teacher Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA) booklet. Allen, J. & White, S. (2018). Learning to teach in a new era. Cambridge. Cavanagh, M. & Prescott, A. (2022). Your professional experience handbook. A guide for preservice teachers (2nd ed.). Pearson. Churchill, R. (2022). Teaching; making … For more content click the Read More button below. Fisk, S. (2022). Using and analysing data in Australian schools (2nd ed.). Hawker Brownlow Education.  Hewes, B. (2022). On Teaching, For new graduates. Small Caps Publishing. Kivunja, C. (2015). Teaching, learning and assessment. Steps towards creativepractice. Oxford University Press. Readman, K., Allen, B., & Reinertsen, N. (2020). Practical classroom assessment (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.