
This subject draws together the key police practice domains including legislation, intelligence, investigation, response, safety, professional practice and community engagement. It extends PPP243 studies and provides opportunities to combine theoretical knowledge with workplace practice. It utilizes authentic workplace tasks to build a portfolio of competency which demonstrate the knowledge, skills … For more content click the Read More button below.


operational policing: shift preparation; undertaking patrols/environmental scanning; operational safety; responding to incidents; information gathering, collating and recordingat-arrest and non-arrest powersinvestigation and Brief of Evidence preparationtargeted crime preventionengaging with partnersemergency managementfostering resilience and assuming a leadership role.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate competent performance of operational policing duties in a lead role, including shift preparation, undertaking patrols, ensuring operational safety, responding to incidents, managing information, and completing individual workload as a probationary constable under supervision.
be able to critically analyse operational practice as a probationary constable by extending and applying an understanding of the theoretical foundations of legislation.
be able to extend understanding of the theoretical foundations of intelligence gathering and investigation to critically analyse operational practice as a probationary constable.
be able to synthesise practical knowledge and skills with online modular learning to demonstrate effective community engagement as a probationary constable in a lead role.
be able to demonstrate professionalism in a lead role by synthesising theoretical knowledge from online modular learning and practical skills of operational practice as a probationary constable.

Work integrated learning

Service Learning Duration 432 hours Details Workplace learning is undertaken through students engaging in policing duties in the capacity of a Probationary Constable. Students will be assessed on their application of skills through an Operational Portfolio and will work approximately 36 hours per week over a 12 week period.  

Learning activities

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Students will require internet access.