This subject focuses on the probationary constable performing duties in an observational role. It contextualises key police practice domains of legislation, investigation, professional practice and community engagement in the field. It synthesises knowledge gained in Year 1 and extends theoretical understandings of the key police practice domains. It provides opportunities … For more content click the Read More button below.
operational policing: shift preparation; undertaking patrols/environmental scanning; operational safety; responding to incidents; information gathering, collating and recordingBrief of Evidence preparationvictim, witness and police statementsissues relevant to vulnerable peoplemanaging unwilling witnessescommunity engagementmanaging individual workload and resilience
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
complete their individual workloads as a probationary constable under supervision
perform operational policing duties at a professional level as identified in the NSW Police Force Operational Portfolio
identify how legislation applies to different operational policing situations
identify how investigative practices apply to different operational policing situations
identify communication strategies used in effective operational policing
identify demographics of their PAC (Police Area Command)/PD(Police District) and the implications for policing
identify community networks and external agencies relevant to their LAC
identify support services relevant to their wellbeing
Enrolment restrictions
Available only to students in the Assoicate Degree in Policing Practice.
Work integrated learning
Service Learning Duration 432 hours Details Workplace learning is undertaken through students engaging in policing duties in the capacity of a Probationary Constable. Students will be assessed on their application of skills through an Operational Portfolio and will work approximately 36 hours per week (3 x 12 hour shifts) over … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning activities
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Students will require internet access.