In this subject, students will begin their planned Honours research activities, under the guidance of their Honours supervisor(s). Through engaging in their research project, students will develop their knowledge, skills, and confidence as a novice researcher. This may include knowledge and skills to obtain the ethics approval required to commence … For more content click the Read More button below.
Literature reviewTheory development Research methods and study design Ethics approvalData collection skills and techniques
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically use theory in the development of an individual research dissertation;
be able to, with supervisor guidance, obtain ethics approval (if necessary) and begin collecting and/or analysing data to address a research question;
be able to, in regular supervision conversations, reflect on their research progress, including strengths and skills they are developing, issues they have encountered, and problem-solving they have engaged in; and
be able to succinctly report on their research progress in a way that shows increasing independence as a novice researcher.
Enrolment restrictions
Only available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Applied Research (Honours).