In this subject, students will develop practical insights into real-world research writing and dissemination processes. Students will be enabled with supported autonomy to apply advanced knowledge and skills in research practices to produce a completed research dissertation. This will involve planning and executing a research project through the completion of … For more content click the Read More button below.
literature review and research designdata collectionthematic coding and analysisdrawing conclusions from data analysisidentifying possible application of research findings to policy development and future research
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically review, appraise and synthesise academic literature relevant to the chosen research problem;
be able to reflect on the research process and progress;
be able to communicate effectively in ways appropriate to the discipline, audience and purpose;
be able to complete and analyse a research project; and
be able to write a final dissertation that brings together all the parts of the project and can be understood by experts in the field.
Enrolment restrictions
Only available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Applied Research (Honours).