This subject focuses on developing students' understanding of research methods that will be integral for the completion of their dissertation. Students' methodological knowledge and skills will be developed through analysing and evaluating published research studies in their discipline. Students will consider broad approaches to research (qualitative, quantitative, and pragmatic), question-clarity, … For more content click the Read More button below.
scholarly views and debates regarding qualitative and quantitative approaches to researchtypes of design, sampling decisions/techniques, recruitment strategies, data collection methods, and data analysis methods, in qualitative and quantitative researchmethodologically sound decision-making and its importance for enabling meaningful, valid research conclusionsEthical principles in researchSustainable research
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify examples of qualitative and quantitative research in their discipline area, and compare and contrast the associated strengths of each approach;
be able to compare and contrast research designs, sampling, data collection and data analysis methods used by researchers in their discipline area;
be able to evaluate the appropriateness of methodological choices in relation to a study's research question/s;
be able to appraise the reliability and validity of published research, considering the reported methods and results to support the formulation of a study; and
be able to critically engage with the role of ethics in the research process.
Enrolment restrictions
Only available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Applied Research (Honours).