
This subject will facilitate an integrated approach to building clinical knowledge and skills across areas of physiotherapy. Students will build on their clinical knowledge and skills in acute care, rehabilitation and community physiotherapy. Students in this subject will extend their knowledge around the business of physiotherapy in terms of sustainable … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Physiotherapy in the management of selected health conditions;The business of physiotherapy and sustainable physiotherapy;Gender health;Aged care;Physiotherapy in the context of oncology;Occupational health;Other contexts relevant to the practice of physiotherapy; andEvidence-based practice in physiotherapy across acute (cardiorespiratory), musculoskeletal and neurological contexts.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
advocate for physiotherapy that is supported by evidence, including best available research evidence;
analyse situations that are outside their scope of expertise or competence and take appropriate action;
justify physiotherapy options to manage a client's presenting problems;
demonstrate adaptive, respectful and responsive communication (in all forms) to reflect the purpose, context, culture, literacy, ethical, legal and/or professional requirements of the task or interaction;
create and share information in multimodal digital formats;
locate, evaluate, use and integrate evidence-based information to inform decision making, and develop and guide their own knowledge, learning and practice; and
apply the concepts of sustainable practice to the business of physiotherapy.

Enrolment restrictions