
This subject further develops student skills in physiotherapy assessment and management of common orthopaedic, cardiorespiratory and neurological conditions. This subject has a focus on pain management, goal setting, clinical reasoning, rural and remote practice, and professional behaviour. A component of the subject includes participation in supervised experiential learning. Students will … For more content click the Read More button below.


Ethical and professional practice as relevant to clinical practice including: advocacy for First Nations people; ensuring culturally safe and responsive practice, including cultural humility and the development of respectful relationships;Client management approaches in orthopaedic physiotherapy practice;Introduction to foundational cardiorespiratory and neurological physiotherapy assessment and treatment skills;The use of evidence-based practice … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate the concept of strengths-based knowledge and communication, evaluate their communication skills with a particular focus on culturally respectful, ethical and responsive communication, and develop strategies for improvement through self-reflection;
examine the culture of physiotherapy, and analyse the impact of this service experience for First Nations peoples;
plan and perform foundational orthopaedic, cardiorespiratory and neurological physiotherapy person-centred and evidence-based assessments and treatment skills including the use of exercise in rehabilitation;
use clinical reasoning processes to explore and explain assessment findings and document these findings;
apply ethical, safe and effective physiotherapy management for people from rural and remote settings using e-health technologies such as telehealth;
demonstrate professional behaviour appropriate to physiotherapy and working in interprofessional contexts, including critical appraisal and reflection; and
achieve a satisfactory rating for all competencies listed on the experiential learning assessment evaluation form.

Enrolment restrictions

Work integrated learning

Placement Duration 75 hours Details A period of experiential learning which may include time in health settings, simulation-based education and/or other forms of experiential learning. This will be approximately 75 hours / 10 days.

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Students attending compulsory workplace learning placements are responsible for all associated travel, accommodation and required resources.