
This subject builds on previous studies of equine reproduction and explores the theory and application of assisted equine reproductive technologies. As part of this subject, students develop practical skills in stallion semen collection, evaluation and processing, semen transport, semen freezing and thawing and artificial insemination of mares. Oestrous synchronisation and … For more content click the Read More button below.


Stallion semen collection, evaluation and freezing.Managing semen transport.Semen handling for insemination.Mare Artificial Insemination (AI), embryo transfer, other advanced reproductive techniques in horses.Legal and ethical aspects of reproductive management in horses.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate and outline the processes of stallion semen collection, evaluation, processing, chilling, freezing, storage and thawing using scientifically developed calculations to maximise sperm longevity and survival.
describe procedures for the appropriate management and transport of frozen and chilled stallion semen;
outline the management of mares for an artificial insemination program to maximise the pregnancy rate (this includes performing artificial insemination of a mare in an aseptic manner), and devise management plans for given broodmare scenarios;
distinguish and describe the various different methods of oestrous synchronisation in mares;
differentiate and describe the various advanced reproductive technologies available for use in horses and compare and contrast their use in practice; and
assess the legal and ethical aspects of reproductive management of horses.

Enrolment restrictions

Enrolment is restricted to students enrolled in the  Bachelor of Equine Science, Bachelor of Equine Science (Business Management), Bachelor of Animal Science, Bachelor of Animal Science (Honours) and Bachelor of Veterinary Technology.

Learning activities

Intensive School

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Online students will be required to attend a Intensive School which may incur travel and accommodation costs. Closed-in stout leather shoes or boots must be worn when working with horses. Clean overalls with long sleeves are compulsory for this subject. When working with horses it is a requirement that all … For more content click the Read More button below.