
This subject will enable the student to understand the extent of the growing equine industry both in Australia and globally. Throughout this subject, students will gain a working understanding of industry governance and operating processes and procedures, including workplace health and safety, legal aspects and duty of care. Common horse … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: The Australian and global equine industries;Welfare and rehabilitation organisations for equids;The allied equine industries;Basic legal concepts, duty of care, safeguarding, laws, acts and codes of practice for equids;Occupational health and safety, risk assessment and standard operating procedures for working with equids;Record keeping for … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate an understanding of the structure, scope and contribution of and influences on the horse industry by sourcing and using appropriate information resources in Australia and globally;
outline legal and ethical requirements associated within the equine and allied industries;
review essential human occupational health and safety practices within the equine industry;
describe and review the rationale behind common horse husbandry and management practices;
recognise and assess critical equine health and welfare indicators necessary for good horse management; and
identify the roles that Indigenous Australian people have had interacting with horses since European settlement.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is primarily for students in the Bachelor of Equine Science and Bachelor of Equine Science (Business Management) courses.  Students studying other animal based courses may be admitted with the permission of the subject coordinator and their Course Director.

Learning activities

Intensive School