The principle aim of the Master of Teaching Secondary is to provide a comprehensive and flexible online program that will prepare graduates for a career in modern educational contexts providing for the needs of secondary school students. This aim is considered within a context of schooling that sees the role of teaching as developing the individual whilst contributing to the betterment of society. The broad goal of this course is to develop graduates who are able to cater for the diverse needs and challenges facing students and who see themselves as agents of change and have the expertise to teach in their subject area/s across the secondary years.
Admission and Credit
Entry Requirement
Charles Sturt takes a holistic approach to understand each applicant’s potential for academic success. Each student is assessed on a range of factors including academic readiness, previous study, work and life experience, motivation to succeed, and awareness of the demands of tertiary study.
Applicants for the Master of Teaching (Secondary) must meet the following admission requirements to be assessed:
- Completion of a relevant undergraduate degree (and, if applicable, appropriate postgraduate studies [AQF Levels 8-10]) that includes at least a major study in one secondary teaching area of the secondary school curriculum.
- A Major Study is study undertaken for an equivalent to a total of three-quarters of a year of full time higher education study (0.75 EFTSL), usually comprising sequential discipline study undertaken over three years. In most programs, this equates to at least six units with no more than two at first year level and no fewer than two at third year level.
- Meets the NESA discipline content requirements.
- Have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 (Pass) or above in their prior undergraduate studies OR relevant life experience.
Applicants who do not meet the above criteria on initial assessment will be offered a place in the Bachelor of Educational Studies where they can work towards meeting the entry requirements for Master of Teaching. Once the requirements have been met, students can re-apply for the Master of Teaching (Secondary).
Students are assessed for and need to enter with a First Teaching Area (major) and may have additional teaching areas/specialisations that can be first teaching areas (major) or second teaching areas (minor). Teaching areas must be approved by the Course Director.
Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) includes a number of Teaching Areas. Each TAS Teaching Areas can be assessed using the NESA Subject Content Knowledge Requirements. Some TAS Teaching Areas require an additional Teaching Area. The Course Director will assess all TAS Teaching Areas to ensure the combination aligns with course requirements. It is best to also understand the employment sector requirements for TAS teachers for future employment.
Students interested in Teacher Librarianship (must have completed a ALIA approved course) will need to first complete an Initial Teacher Education Course (Master of Teaching) with at least one First Teaching Area to become an accredited teacher. As an accredited teacher you will then be required to complete a Teacher Librarianship qualification. It is also best to check the employment sector requirements for Teacher Librarians, for future employment. If you are interested in Teacher Librarianship and have one approved teaching area, please contact the Course Team for advice about education electives to be completed in your initial teacher education course.
Music can be assessed as a Teaching Area.
Note: The Graduate Entry Master of Teaching Secondary Course Accreditation requirement, requires final professional experience placement to be completed in Australia.
Other graduation requirements
The minimum requirements for graduation will be:
- the satisfactory completion of the subjects (128 points) specified as meeting the requirements of the Master of Teaching (Secondary) within this course.
- must pass LANTITE
- must obtain a Satisfactory (SY) grade for the following 1 x zero point subject:
- EEB446 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communication Education Program
Language requirements
English Language Proficiency Standard English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements
This will apply to both domestic and international applicants. Offer may be conditional on ELP but applicants will be required to provide evidence of meeting these requirements before the start of studies. Students must meet one of the following criteria:
This will apply to both domestic and international applicants. Offer may be conditional on ELP but applicants will be required to provide evidence of meeting these requirements before the start of studies. Students must meet one of the following criteria:
- Completion of at least a three year bachelor degree; studied in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, USA or United Kingdom. This qualification must have been taught and assessed in English.
- A minimum overall Academic IELTS score of 7.5 (with no score below 7 in reading and writing, and a score of no less than 8 in speaking and listening) or a qualification deemed equivalent. Testing results must be obtained within two years from the date of your application for admission.
- International Second Language Proficiency Rating (ISLPR) with a score of Level 4 in all four skill areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing, undertaken at approved testing sites where the assessment is teacher focused. Testing results must be within two years from the date of your application for admission.
Course Information
NOTE: Initial teacher education students are required to pass both components of the personal Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) as part of the accreditation requirements of this course. A student should attempt both these tests in their first year of study (equivalent of full time study load) and must pass both literacy and numeracy (Standard Achieved) before commencement of the final professional experience placement. Further information about the LANTITE including how to register can be found on the LANTITE website of https://teacheredtest.acer.edu.au/
The course consists of seventeen subjects, including the completion of a minimum of 64 points completed at 500 level as follows:
- Thirteen Core subjects (Foundation Education subjects and Professional Experience subjects)
- Four Restricted electives (at least two Curriculum Method subjects and either one or two further restricted electives, respectively).
The subjects required to be completed depends on the number of approved Teaching Areas as outlined in the letter of offer. This will include at least two curriculum method subjects for each approved Teaching Area.
Note: Students who have HSIE/HASS and/or Science as a Teaching Area and have two specialisations within the Teaching Area need to complete three curriculum method subjects.
The course consists of seventeen subjects, including the completion of a minimum of 64 points completed at 500 level as follows:
- Thirteen Core subjects (Foundation Education subjects and Professional Experience subjects)
- Four Restricted electives (at least two Curriculum Method subjects and either one or two further restricted electives, respectively).
The subjects required to be completed depends on the number of approved Teaching Areas as outlined in the letter of offer. This will include at least two curriculum method subjects for each approved Teaching Area.
Note: Students who have HSIE/HASS and/or Science as a Teaching Area and have two specialisations within the Teaching Area need to complete three curriculum method subjects.
Essential set128 Credit Points
The essential subject set consists of subjects that meet the specific depth of knowledge and skills requirements for the disciplinary or professional area of study in a course.
Core subjects96 Credit Points
Foundation Education 80 Credit Points
Professional Experience 16 Credit Points
It is an accreditation requirement for the final professional experience placement to be completed in Australia.
Curriculum Method subjects 16 Credit Points
Curriculum Studies Subjects (Complete both curriculum methods for each approved teaching area)
Note: Students with two HASS/HSIE specialisms or two Science specialisms and a third additional teaching area in another discipline area (e.g. English or Mathematics) will need to complete the third subject (EMH410 or EMS408) by enrolling in the Bachelor of Educational Studies.
Note: Students with two HASS/HSIE specialisms or two Science specialisms and a third additional teaching area in another discipline area (e.g. English or Mathematics) will need to complete the third subject (EMH410 or EMS408) by enrolling in the Bachelor of Educational Studies.
Agriculture16 Credit Points
Drama16 Credit Points
Design and Technology16 Credit Points
English 16 Credit Points
HASS/HSIE16 Credit Points
Students with one HASS/HSIE specialism complete two curriculum methods subjects: EMH441and EMH442
Students with two HASS/HSIE specialisms must complete three curriculum method subjects: EMH441, EMH442 and EMH410
Students with two HASS/HSIE specialisms must complete three curriculum method subjects: EMH441, EMH442 and EMH410
Information Technology16 Credit Points
Languages16 Credit Points
Mathematics16 Credit Points
PDHPE16 Credit Points
Science16 Credit Points
Students with one Science specialism complete two curriculum methods subjects: EMS441 and EMS442
Students with two Science specialisms must complete three curriculum method subjects: EMS441, EMS442 and EMS408
Students with two Science specialisms must complete three curriculum method subjects: EMS441, EMS442 and EMS408
Technology and Applied Studies (Engineering Studies, Food Technology, Graphics & Multimedia, Industrial Technology and Textiles Technology16 Credit Points
Restricted electives - Education Studies16 Credit Points
Students with one teaching area complete two subjects from the list below or as approved by the Course Director.
Students with two approved Teaching Areas do not complete subjects from the list below.
Students with two HASS/HSIE or Science specialisms and no additional teaching area complete the third curriculum method subject (EMH442/EMH410 or EMS442/EMS408) and only one subject from the list below.
For students interested in employment in Christian-centred and/or faith schools, the following THL subject options are available.
Note: THL subjects may be offered annually or biannually. For more information contact the School of Theology.
Students with two approved Teaching Areas do not complete subjects from the list below.
Students with two HASS/HSIE or Science specialisms and no additional teaching area complete the third curriculum method subject (EMH442/EMH410 or EMS442/EMS408) and only one subject from the list below.
For students interested in employment in Christian-centred and/or faith schools, the following THL subject options are available.
Note: THL subjects may be offered annually or biannually. For more information contact the School of Theology.
Related courses
Professional accreditation
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
Notes :https://study.csu.edu.au/courses/professional-accreditation