The Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) is one of four in a suite of graduate entry courses which aims to provide a comprehensive and flexible online program that will prepare graduates for a career in modern educational contexts providing for the needs of school students. This aim is considered within a context of schooling that sees the role of teaching as developing the individual whilst contributing to the betterment of society. The broad goal of this course is to develop graduates who are able to cater for the diverse needs and challenges facing students and who see themselves as agents of change and have the expertise to teach across the primary years.
Admission and Credit
Entry Requirement
Credit Arrangements
Other graduation requirements
The minimum requirements for graduation will be:
- the satisfactory completion of the subjects (192 points) specified as meeting the requirements of the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) within this course, inclusive of credit packages granted upon admission
- must pass LANTITE
- must obtain a Satisfactory (SY) grade for the following 2 x zero point subjects:
- EEB446 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communication Education Program
- EMM420 - Mathematics for Primary Teachers
Language requirements
Course information
Essential set 192 Credit Points
NESA Extended Primary Curriculum Area Study Program
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course, graduates will be able to:
Discuss educational theories, principles, policy and practice, evaluating and applying them to their own professional teaching practice to create effective, inclusive and safe learning environments.
Engage ethically and act responsibly in making judgements, planning, problem solving and in decision making in professional contexts with diverse communities including the promotion of ecologically sustainable practices.
Apply principles of social justice, inclusion, empathy, equity and access to employ teaching practices that recognise and respect Indigenous knowledges, the diversity and cultures of young people, families and communities.
Plan learning programs and implement a range of effective teaching and assessment strategies that meet the needs of individual students and are responsive to students' diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Apply and integrate Information and Communication Technologies, in a safe, responsible, and ethical manner.
Plan, develop and implement a range of appropriate strategies to assess and provide feedback on learning.
Explain strategies to communicate effectively and develop respectful, high expectation relationships with students, parents and/or carers.
Apply appropriate models of enquiry, reflective practice and information seeking strategies for ongoing professional learning, evaluation and to inform and improve teaching practice and student learning.
Design, develop and implement curriculum in the full range of primary curriculum areas.
Related courses
Professional accreditation
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
Notes :https://study.csu.edu.au/courses/professional-accreditation