This subject builds on concepts and key aspects acquired in earlier viticulture-related subjects. Students will focus on key areas that should be considered in managing a vineyard, including vineyard establishment, training, trellising, pruning, canopy management, irrigation, fertilisation, and pest and disease management. In addition, students will explore the principles of … For more content click the Read More button below.
This subject will cover the following topics:
Propagation of grapevines and selection of planting material;Vineyard site selection;Vineyard establishment and redevelopment;Planting and training of young vines;Trellising of grapevines;Pruning;Canopy management;Vineyard irrigation;Fertilisation and nutrient management;Pest and disease management;Managing cover crops, weeds, frost, heatwaves, bushfires, wildlife, and the harvesting of grapes; andOrganic, biodynamic, and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Vineyard establishment
2. Quiz: Topics 1-6
3. Grapevine management practices
4. Irrigation & fertilisation
5. Pest and disease management
6. Quiz: Topics 6-12
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
evaluate sites and grapevine planting stock as appropriate for establishing a sustainable vineyard;
compare and contrast the different types and underlying principles of trellises and training systems, pruning techniques, and practices of canopy management;
develop vineyard irrigation and fertilisation strategies particularly in relation to the soil properties, and site and environmental characteristics;
analyse the role of vineyard management on vine health, and develop an integrated pest and disease management program in vineyards;
implement management inputs in relation to cover crops, weeds, frost, heat waves, bushfires, wildlife, and the harvesting of grapes, especially with regard to factors affecting grape quality;
discuss the principles and vineyard management techniques as relevant to organic, biodynamic and precision viticulture; and
interpret and apply the scientific literature related to vineyard management.
Assumed knowledge
Knowledge equivalent to VIT211, VIT212 or VIT411 Viticultural Science and PSC215 or PSC416 Plant Physiology. Completion of IRR200 Irrigation, PSC221 Fundamentals of Plant Protection, and PSC311 or PSC415 Soil Management is also recommended.
Enrolment restrictions
Work integrated learning
Fieldwork Duration 7 hours Details Students will gather knowledge about the soil, variety, rootstock, clone, climate, topography, and management inputs as relevant to a chosen vineyard block. Several visits may be required.
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Students attending compulsory work integrated learning will incur costs associated with travel, accommodation and required resources.