This subject builds on concepts and key aspects acquired in earlier viticulture-related subjects. The subject will focus on key areas that should be considered in managing a vineyard such as: the influence of climatic factors on the quality and quantity of grape production; soil management and nutrition; site selection and ā¦ For more content click the Read More button below.
Soils and nutritionSite selection and vineyard designPropagation of grapevines and selection of planting materialHybrids, rootstocks and varieties Training and trellising Pruning Canopy management Principles and practices of irrigationPest and disease management Harvest and quality
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to evaluate how soil management influences vineyard productivity, including the role of fertilisers and weed management, irrigation principles and systems used in Australian vineyards and water quality;
be able to (re-)design a vineyard that will minimise variability and ensure sustainability, including evaluating suitability of varieties, clones and rootstocks for a chosen site, selecting adequate grapevine propagation techniques and managing issues relating to sources and availability of planting material;
be able to recognise the different types, and discuss underlying principles, of trellises and training systems, and to describe the different pruning techniques particularly in relation to their function in canopy management;
be able to apply principles of biology and epidemiology of grapevine pests and diseases to analyse the role of vineyard management on vine health, and develop an integrated pest and disease management program in vineyards;
be able to account for harvesting techniques and procedures, especially with regard to factors affecting grape quality;
be able to critically evaluate scientific literature related to vineyard management.
Assumed knowledge
Knowledge equivalent to VIT211 or VIT411 Viticultural Science and PSC215 or PSC416 Plant Physiology
Work integrated learning
Placement Duration 1 days Details Students will gather knowledge about soil, cultivar, climate, management etc of a chosen vineyard to be able to critically assess and evaluate the cultivar growing in the vineyard in terms of soil and climate, canopy management and the wider business perspective, and to be able ā¦ For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning activities
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Students must be able to access a vineyard, preferably commercial, to complete some of the assessments in this subject.