
The aim of this subject is to develop knowledge and skills required to identify social issues, set policy agenda and undertake policy analysis as part of social policy practice. By briefly discussing the concept of social policy, significance of social policy practice and a range of opportunities to engage in ā€¦ For more content click the Read More button below.


Understanding of, and avenues for, social policy practiceStakeholders in the policy making processAgenda building and advocacyPolicy analysis approachesCurrent influences on social policies: Global-local perspectivesThe sustainable development goals, revision and reflection

Assessment items

1. Policy advocacy study and strategy
2. Critical policy analysis

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to discuss the concept and significance of social policy, important policy issues and factors that contribute to success of policies;
be able to critically analyse the institutions involved in policy making and the role of coordination and consultation in the policy making processes;
be able to critically apply knowledge and skills of agenda building and advocacy;
be able to explain and apply a policy analysis framework; and
be able to identify and evaluate contemporary critical issues and influences on social policies.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is available to students enrolled in the following Courses:
Master of Advanced Social Work Practice Articulated Set
Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying)
Master of Social Work (Advanced Practice)
Master of Human Service (generic and with specialisation)
Master of Leadership in Human Services (generic and with specialisations) Articulated Set
Master of Child and Adolescent Welfare
Master of Gerontology Articulated Set

This subject is not available to students who have completed subject SPE401 as it is a paired subject.