This subject examines the difference between various types of business organisation before focusing on corporations law, including the way in which corporations are formed, rules regulating internal relationships within corporations, relationships with outsiders, the duties of directors and other officers, fundraising and the termination of corporations with a particular focus … For more content click the Read More button below.
The nature of different business organisationsPartnershipThe law of agencyFormation of corporationsCorporate liability in crime, tort and contractCorporate governance and the corporate constitutionMembership of a corporation - members' meetings and remediesDirectors' dutiesCorporate finance: shares and debenturesFundraisingExternal control - liquidation
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify the different types of business organisation and the law regulating them;
be able to explain the characteristics of different business organisations;
be able to explain the rules of law regulating the internal relationship between the participants in business organisations and between the organisation and third parties;
be able to explain the principles of good governance and a governance framework, including the rights and responsibilities of owners, investors, and those charged with governance including the concepts of disclosure and transparency; and
be able to apply the law to legal problems.
Enrolment restrictions
Students enrolling in LAW220 who have completed LAW100 and LAW210 are not required to complete the prerequisite LAW110.
Students may not enroll concurrently in LAW380 and LAW220.
Not available to students who have completed LAW281.
Not available to students who have completed LAW310 or LAW380