
This subject examines key Australian legal concepts and principles directly relevant to business operations and their legal underpinnings. It explores the structure of the Australian legal system, sources of law, principles of statutory interpretation, the court system and the doctrine of precedent. It then examines the law of negligence and … For more content click the Read More button below.


The Australian Legal SystemSources of law and interpretation of statutesTorts (elements of liability)Torts (damages and defences)Contracts (formation)Contracts (validity and consent)Contracts (content)Contracts (discharge)Statutory modification of contract lawProperty Law

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to describe the Australian legal system, including its history, development, and the current theoretical frameworks within which it and its institutions operate;
be able to compare and contrast the Australian legal system with other legal systems;
be able to synthesise knowledge of the doctrine of precedent with knowledge of the hierarchy of the courts at a state and federal level, to explain which court has jurisdiction in a particular matter;
be able to investigate the different sources of Australian law in order to contrast these sources and explain their significance and interrelationships when applying them to legal problems;
be able to independently apply rules of statutory interpretation, including Latin maxims, common law approaches and the legislative provisions that apply at a state and federal level;
be able to demonstrate knowledge of tort, contract, and property law by identifying the relevant issue(s) arising out of novel factual situations, stating the relevant legal principles, and explaining how these relate to the legal issue(s), in addition to suggesting potential remedies when providing a conclusion;
be able to compare different methods of dispute resolution and evaluate their effectiveness; and
be able to demonstrate knowledge of the law relating to data protection and privacy.