This subject will enable students to demonstrate their ability to apply and synthesise technical and conceptual knowledge gained throughout their course into contemporary industry practices aligned to their chosen specialised area of IT. This subject will prepare students to apply their academic learning in a professional setting by undertaking a … For more content click the Read More button below.
The subject will cover the following topics:
IT careers in the emerging worldProfessional skill development in relevant disciplinesIntegrating theory and practical knowledge via simulated learningPathway preparation for industry credentialsCognitive and communication skills for the workplaceProfessional behaviour and ethicsIT Work placement
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to research the skills and capabilities required for Information Technology (IT) professionals in their designated specialist area and conduct a personal skills audit on their own capabilities;
be able to critically evaluate and reflect on the application of theoretical components of the course in a professional workplace setting;
be able to exercise judgement to recommend appropriate solutions to real world problems taking into consideration relevant social and ethical contexts;
be able to identify and employ the appropriate mediums for communicating effectively to professionals in an Australian workplace context;
be able to develop professional identity and explore potential career paths; and
be able to develop a career plan that aligns personal skills and capabilities with industry requirements and future career aspirations.
Enrolment restrictions
Only available to postgraduate students
Work integrated learning
Placement, Internship Duration 140 hours Details The work placement/internship will need to be undertaken at an approved workplace and students will be required to demonstrate the links between the theoretical components of their course and the practical application of skills. Over 20 days (140 hours)