This subject will enable students to apply their academic learning in a professional setting by undertaking work placement with an approved organisation or by undertaking a project or higher duties in their existing workplace. The subject will also allow students to enhance their IT skills and enable them to apply … For more content click the Read More button below.
IT work placementCognitive and communication skills for the workplace Integrating theory and practical knowledgeProfessional behaviour and ethics
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to apply IT discipline knowledge and problem-solving skills to real-world practical scenarios;
be able to demonstrate applied proficiency through professional experience gained through IT work placement;
be able to reflect and critically evaluate the application of theoretical components of the course in a workplace setting; and
be able to develop the communication skills required for a successful career in the Australian job market.
Enrolment restrictions
Students in Master of Professional Information Technology must have maintained a distinction average or higher in their 1st two sessions of study to be eligible for enrollment in this subject.
Work integrated learning
Internship Duration 420 hours Details Students will be required to undertake work placement/internship at an approved workplace to demonstrate the links between the theoretical components of their course and the practical application of skills. Over 60 days (420 hours)