
This subject introduces the student to the principles of financial management from a corporate perspective. The approach is to present and examine the theory and practice of investment and financing decision-making. The application of a range of analytical techniques appropriate to contemporary financial decision-making is used to evaluate business options.


Introduction to financial managementFinancial mathematicsIntroduction to risk and rates of returnCapital budgeting concepts and methodsIssues in capital budgetingCost of capitalSources of short term financeLong term debt financingEquity financingCapital structure

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify, analyse and solve financial problems confronting business enterprises, particularly problems relating to corporate investment, asset management and financing decisions;
be able to employ analytical techniques, using contemporary electronic aids appropriate to financial decision making;
be able to analyse the impact of economic, legal and tax changes on the financial position of the firm;
be able to demonstrate critical evaluation and communication skills relating to the scope, methodology, role, objectives and ethics of financial management within business organisations.