
In this subject students will develop a critical knowledge of English language and literacy as socio-cultural practice and investigate the everyday literacy practices of human beings, particularly young children. Students will develop an understanding of evidence-based practices across the following elements: oral language, phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, phonics and fluency. … For more content click the Read More button below.


English language and literacy in the everyday lives of young children: an introduction to socio-cultural perspectivesOral language: acquisition, use and developmentEnglish language learning and literacy practice: understanding transitionsLiterature and the role of texts for language and literacy learning in early childhoodPlay, language and learning: phonemic awareness and comprehensionObservations in educational … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. An introduction to language development
2. Early language development: A sociocultural view
3. Quality books for the Read Aloud

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
articulate knowledge of English language and literacy as socio-cultural practice;
discuss oral language acquisition and the everyday language and literacy practices of young children;
articulate knowledge about phonics and phonemic awareness and their relationship to everyday language and literacy practices of young children;
discuss transitions (for example, to preschool, to school, to new social contexts) as related to language, learning and literacy practices;
describe the relationship between language, literacy and literature;
describe different aspects of reading and writing as these relate to language, learning and literature, and everyday literacy practices;
explain how texts (literary, factual, multimodal and digital) support the literacy learning of young children between 0 and 8 years of age;
explain connections between play, language and learning.

Enrolment restrictions

Only available to students enrolled in the following courses courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Education.

Bachelor of Education(Early Childhood and Primary)
Bachelor of Education (K-12)
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)
Bachelor of Educational Studies
or as approved by the Course Director.

Work integrated learning

Placement Duration 40 hours Details Students in the Bachelor of Education (Primary), Bachelor of Education (K-12) and the Bachelor of Education (EC and P) will work in classrooms in an embedded placement in host schools/early childhood services. During the visits the students will act as helpers to their host teachers. … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Nolan, A & Raban, B. (2015). Sociocultural theorists and practical implications. In A. Nolan & B. Raban (Eds.), Theories into practice: Understanding and rethinking our work with young children and the EYLF. Essential Resources Educational Publishers.