
This subject provides students with the opportunity to undertake a small-scale, supervised research project in a discipline within the arts and social sciences. Each student will investigate a topic area of their choice, applying an appropriate methodology. They will complete the project by submitting a report, dissertation, or creative work … For more content click the Read More button below.


Supervisor-student relationship expectationsResearch ethicsSetting a timeline for the projectStructuring the project report, dissertation or exegesisAcademic writing

Assumed knowledge

Students in this subject carry out a previously proposed project. The proposal is typically developed in the subject ASH501. It is expected that students would also have a grounding in the application of appropriate research methods and in relevant disciplinary knowledge. Where applicable, they would need to have been granted formal approval to conduct their proposed project by Charles Sturt University's Human Research Ethics Committee.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is only available to students studying courses at AQF levels 8-9 and who have a postgraduate qualification in a relevant discipline with an HDA of 5.0 or equivalent.