This foundation subject introduces students to skills appropriate to studying church history, including the use and analysis of early sources, both written and non-written, and later historical interpretations. It encompasses the contributions of the Apostolic Fathers and early Christian Apologists, and explores early challenges to the Christian movement from within … For more content click the Read More button below.
The "Apostolic Fathers", second-century Christian apologists, and their opponentsThe impact on churches of Graeco-Roman culture, Roman imperial power, and Judaism"Docetism", "Gnosticism", "Montanism" and other heterodox groups prior to 250 CEThe persecution, harassment and martyrdom of Christians in the early centuries: causes and effectsChurch and empire I: the Constantinian dynasty and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate an advanced understanding of principal movements in theology, ecclesiology and politics in the Christian Church prior to 600 CE;
be able to demonstrate advanced knowledge of primary source documents from this period;
be able to demonstrate advanced understanding of methods of historical study;
be able to demonstrate an advanced ability to use contemporary documents in making critical judgements about the past and in testing the judgements of others;
be able to demonstrate an advanced critical understanding of Christians who lived in different times, cultures and with different worldviews;
be able to assess critically historians interpretations of early church history; and
be able to demonstrate self-guided and collaborative learning, including advanced research, writing and communication skills relevant to history as a discipline.
Enrolment restrictions
Not available to students who have completed THL131 Early Church History.