
This foundation subject introduces students to skills appropriate to studying church history, including the use and analysis of early sources, both written and non-written, and later historical interpretations. It encompasses the contributions of the Apostolic Fathers and early Christian Apologists, and explores early challenges to the Christian movement from within … For more content click the Read More button below.


The "Apostolic Fathers," second-century Christian apologists, and their opponentsThe impact on churches of Graeco-Roman culture, Roman imperial power, and Judaism"Docetism," "Gnosticism," "Montanism" and other heterodox movements prior to 250 CEThe persecution, harassment and martyrdom of Christians in the early centuries: causes and effectsChurch and empire I: the Constantian dynasty and … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assumed knowledge

Not available to students who have completed subject THL410.

Enrolment restrictions

Not available to students who have completed subject THL410.
